August 29, 2010 - Mount Colden

With Summer winding down, Jack and Rich tried to fit in a hike with our friends AJ and Kate; taking advantage of what might be the last hot August day. We got to the Adirondack Loj parking lot early, but no sign of AJ and Kate. The sky was possibly as clear as we have ever seen it on a hiking trip, and the temperature under the trees was very comfortable. At Marcy Dam, we met up with another hiker going to Mount Colden, and walked with him most of the way to the peak. Except for a brief break at Lake Arnold, we made excellent time reaching the summit before Noon.

The view across all the nearby mountains was spectacular, and each of us were surprised at how many of the peaks and we can recognize by sight and name. Using our binoculars, it was entertaining to see the number of hikers standing on the summits of Marcy, Algonquin, Wright, and Iroquois. It certainly was a busy Sunday in the High Peaks. After enjoying our PB&J sandwich, we decided to take a different route back towards the Loj, diverting down to Lake Colden and through Avalanche Pass (possibly our favorite spot in the Adirondacks). It was a steeper descent following that route, but we were not disappointed once we reached our destination.

During our previous trip through the pass, we were racing the setting sun and couldn't enjoy ourselves as much as we would have liked. This time we could take a little longer to soak up the sights and the sun. Still, we made good time through the flat zone back to Marcy Dam and the last push towards our car. At the beaver dam near the Loj, we were treated to an up close view of several beavers eating and playing in the water; a couple swam within inches of our feet. It was an entertaining final act to what might have been our best hike yet. From the trail head register, we learned that AJ and Kate arrived very late and decided to climb Phelps instead. The total trip was about 14 miles in a little over 8:15. Twenty-one (21) High Peaks down; 25 to go.

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